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ICP News!!! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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ICP News Flash... By Jelly Nuts the Homophobic Clown The 5th Jokers Card is here!!! �Sup ninjas. Don�t front. Chaos! Comics is the shit. The artwork and story lines in this very comic make other comics look like ass. This comic book makes Super Man look more like Super Ass.... Next to this, Flash Gordon looks like Ass Gordon.... Batman looks like Buttman... and this comic is so phat that it even makes Spider Man look more like Spider Ass Guy or Super Spider Ass Man or somthin� like that. You get what I�m trying to say, right? Chaos! is the shit! Insane Clown Posse�s new album is finally out. "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" is available worldwide right freakin� now, bitch. The album features songs with Twiztid, Old Dirty Bastard, Snoop Dogg, and even the Jerkey Boys. While other ads you might see are claiming that Ice T is also featured on the album, the truth is he�s not. Yes, ICP did make a song with Ice T, but then they decided to save the song for a later project. It just didn�t fit the album. But who cares about guests? The new album�s got plenty of great songs with just J and Shaggy who are according to Details Magazine... "Unfortunately still rapping even though they make Bozo, Homey the Clown and Ronald McDonald look like great MC�s"! In other words... the Critics hate it! Whoooooo! Hell yeah! The Jeckel Brothers comes in 2 different versions. There is a Jake Jeckel and a Jack Jeckel version. Both have the same songs on them but the artwork and the packaging is completely different! Get them both and make us rich, baby boo! Rolling Stone Gives Jake & Jack 2 Stars!!! Yes, the album is a complete masterpiece. The Amazing Jeckel Brothers even received an incredible 2 star review from Rolling Stone Magazine! Yes, 2 stars out of a possible 5. That means that Rolling Stone hated it. Good, �cause you know that whenever they like something, it usually sucks. They even called ICP�s new album "Moronic" again, just like they did with ICP�s last album. That means that you the Juggalos will definitely love it. ICP has said they would have been way happier with just 1 star like they got last time, but they�ll settle with 2. Just think of how terrible that would have been had ICP received 4 or 5 stars from Rolling Stone like Matchbox 20, Cher, and Celiene Dion did! I don�t want to even think about that. The New Album Debuts at No.4! Yes it�s true. Insane Clown Posse�s The Amazing Jeckel Brothers debuted at No.4 its first week out. Right behind Britney Spears, Ricky Martin, and The Backstreet Boys. Imagine that. Here you got these 3 bitch ass, radio happy, pop rock dancey bitch groups at No.1, 2, and 3, and then here�s ICP�s serial killer ass�s right up in that ass at No.4! Just for a week though, but still, for that week ICP, was up in that ass with an axe baby! That�s the shit! ICP�s Amazing Jeckel Brothers sold an amazing 140,000+ copies its first week out. Even though ICP might be falling down the charts after that, it�s all good. Juggalos always seem to get ICP�s shit the first week it comes out and that�s why ICP debuted so high on the charts. But now they�ll slowly slide back down the charts and back into the underworld of music. We like it better there anyway. The top 10 slots are usually for the top 10 current hoes of the music industry. Whoever�s butt MTV currently has their dick in is always top 10. Once they use you up and pull their dick out, you�re over with. With none of that MTV and radio bullshit, ICP still made it to No.4! ICP was top 10 just long enough to stab the pop world in the neck; and then they dipped back on out. Nobody had nothing in ICP�s butt either. Yeahhhhhhh. ICP�s New Video... Check out ICP�s new video for "Another Love Song" on The Box channel right now. In fact, the video is ranked No.1 on The Box. ICP and Twiztid filmed the video in a desert out in Cali last month. It was hot in the daytime, cold at night, and always shitty. On the first day there, Shaggy was taking a piss behind a cactus and a snake jumped up and bit his nuts. A member of the video crew had to suck the poison out of Shaggy�s nuts in order to save his life. Luckily she was a chick, so it was cool (only she was 67 and 400 lbs.). Other than that, everything went smooth. Monoxide Child of Twiztid also got bit on the nuts by a snake, but nobody would suck the poison out for him. Everybody refused. Oh well, he survived it anyway and he�s fine. (There is some speculation that he was lying about getting bit to begin with). They had fun making the video, but unfortunately, the video kind of sucks. I won�t lie. The video is mad boring, and it puts me to sleep every time I see it. ICP ain�t exactly Grammy-winning video artists, anyway. Most of their videos are weak. Why spend a million bucks on a video that won�t ever get played except on The Box channel? Besides, for their new video, they had to chop up the music so bad to hide its violent content, that now the song sucks too! But, hey what can you do? It�s either that or NO video at all, right? When it�s all said and done, the video is OK, I guess. It�s not that bad. If you don�t get The Box channel where you live, then I guess you get the shaft right up your pansy little BITCH ASS! Wait, I�m sorry�I didn�t mean that. Let me say that again. If you don�t get The Box channel where you live, then you get the bone, and we�re sorry, but MTV just don�t like us, OK? What can we do? By the way, if MTV does somehow decide to play it, we can assure you that ICP had nothing to do with it. ICP has told us many times that they refuse to do anything for MTV, and MTV don�t want anything to do with ICP either. So all is well, I guess. ICP hurts Eminem�s feelings... ICP fucked Eminem up bad. A small war started back in Detroit. ICP began hearing lots of shit talking from Eminem through mutual friends, but thought nothing of it. ICP never even heard of this kid before he was MTV�s bitch of the month. But ICP didn�t care what this pop wonder said and all was well. Then Eminem stated that he despises ICP in an interview for the Detroit Free Press. So that got ICP a little pissed. But still it was all good. Then finally Eminem told a direct friend of ICP�s from L.A. that ICP sucks and they are a joke, knowing it would get back to the ICP camp. Booyaa! It was on. ICP finally dissed Eminem back on their radio show, called The Juggalo Show in Detroit. ICP joined with Twiztid and made a song called "Slim Anus" by dropping in their own additional lyrics into Eminem�s "My Name Is" song. It is absolutely devastating. The following day, the one hit radio boy heard this and was fuming pissed. The radio wonder boy quickly began dissing ICP at his concerts, on the Howard Stern Show and Mancow, and everywhere else he could. Then ICP (loving every minute of this) went on the Howard Stern Show and the Mancow Show themselves, and played Slim Anus for all the world to here. We then heard that this made Shady Anus so mad that the Teen Idol of the month broke down and started to cry. He�s been pouting ever since. Eminem has told people everywhere that he�s going to handle it on the streets. So I guess that means Slim Shady is going to beat up J and Shaggy when he sees them. Yup. He�s just gonna walk up and beat ICP down I guess. Sure. Ok. That�s believable. After all, everyone knows what a ghetto tuff thug that Marshal Mathers kid from Warren is. Fear is running through ICP�s hearts as we speak. Marshall the Ruthless has even said "ICP�s from the suburbs, and I�m from Detroit, so I�m gonna beat them up!" Yup. You sure are. Yeah. Uh-oh, here comes the bleach blond, MTV, volleyball, beach house champion now! AHHHH! He�s gonna free style rap them to death! OH MY GOD! HE�S GOT CARSON DAILY WITH HIM!! AND DR DRE TOO!!! OH SHIT! THERE�S MISSY ELIOT! RUNN! IT�S THE HIP HOP SHOP THUGS!! The New Tour is coming... The Amazing Jeckel Brothers World Tour has finally been announced! The tour will officially kick off in Philly on July 10th! The Tour is absolutely MONSTERIOUS! ICP�s pre-tour schedule looks something like this... 1. July 1st to July 5th - ICP will be rehearsing in an secret arena in Denver, CO. The rehearsals will be private, and no one will see them unless you�re a chick and you�re fuckin� one of them. 2. July 6th to July 8th - ICP will head back to Detroit to do absolutely nothing but soak their balls in Faygo Bubble Baths at home while reading comics like this. 3. July 9th - ICP will do a small warm-up show in Washington, D.C., just to warm up in front of some Juggalos. Washington, D.C. seems to be ICP�s smallest clown town. Every time they play D.C. only something like 500 ninjas show up. ICP still loves D.C. and that�s why they want to play there first. 4. July 9th (late night) - ICP will probably hook up with some groupies in D.C. after the warm up gig, just to warm up for the tour. Maybe they won�t actually fuck the chicks in D.C. that night, they�ll just warm up by dry humping them all night. 5. July 10th - ICP heads to Philly where they will officially begin the biggest tour in ICP�s history! (That night they�ll probably actually fuck some groupie chicks.) How Big Is This Tour? 3 tour busses worth of crew members, 3 semi trucks of stage props, and sound system equipment�all for ICP�s show alone! Absolute devastation! Also the tour�s official lineup of bands is completely signed and confirmed. Ready? Do you want to know who ICP will be bringing with them? DO YOU??? I�ll bet you do you, little bastards... well here�s who: the show will open with a head pounding, slam dancing set from Brooklyn�s Biohazard!!! Yes THEEE BIOHAZARD in person! ICP recently met with members of BIOHAZARD in a top secret military facility, and ironed out the details. Now it is set! Biohazard will be performing old hits that make your brain explode, as well as shit from their brand new album... "New World Disorder" which is out right fuckin� now!!! Get that shit!!! Then after Biohazard rips the pants right off your bitch ass... suddenly smoke... sirens... and death will engulf the area as TWIZTID will hit the stage!!! TWIZTID!!!! Jamie Madrox and Monoxide Child will bring with them a brand new set of fat-ass stage props! Twiztid will also be joined by their 4 favorite serial killers on stage with them... Michael Meyers, Jason Vorheeys, Leatherface, and Pumpkin Head! Twiztid will be doing shit off their brand new album... "MOSTASTELESS" which comes out worldwide this time with 6 new songs, on June 22nd. And then, after Twiztid splits your naked bitch ass 3 new butt cheeks, you�ll need to have a few more assholes ripped open, right? Who better to do that than... COAL CHAMBER! Yup, Coal Chamber, as in CCOOAALL CCHHAAMMBBEERR! will perform a full set of pure devastation! They too will be doing old shit, and lots of brand new songs off of their brand new album. Coal Chamber will be followed by the one and only... Insane Clown Posse. ICP�s new stage set is so big that it makes KISS�s live show look like John Denver�s new live show (completely dead). If you have any butt left, ICP will simply shred it. After ICP gets finished performing the new shit as well as some shit from the other 4 Joker�s Cards, you wont have an ass anymore. ICP, along with special guest Twiztid, Biohazard, and Coal Chamber will be coming to every major city in the USA and Europe, as well as some dates in Canada in July, August, and September of the 9-9, baby. ICP�s Comments About School Shootings... ICP has been under lots of fire lately ever since "shooting your classmates and blowing up your high school" has become the latest fad among teenagers. ICP has released a statement about this shitty wave of violence that all began with the Denver situation in particular... First a comment from ICP�s Shaggy 2 Dope: "The Dark Carnival is all about waking up from your dark self before it�s to late, changing, and then making it to the Carnival of Shangri-La! Juggalos know all that shit anyway. While some fruity little goth kid is in his basement building bombs because he got dissed and turned down by the whole cheerleading team, a Juggalo is in his basement fuckin� some fat chick and smokin� a joint! Juggalos are happy with that! We love life, so fuck off!" Now a comment from ICP�s Violent J: "If listening to our music somehow gives you the urge to go and kill somebody, then please, start with yourself, you little dumb ass." New Soundtrack News... Remember the rare CD that we gave away in some of the Alternative Press Triple Cover story issues? The song was called The Dirt Ball. Well, we later found out that instead of The Dirt Ball being in every issue, it was only in 6000 issues. That means mad people bought the magazine but didn�t get the CD! That sucks, so we sold the rights to The Dirt Ball song to an upcoming movie soundtrack. That way if you want the song bad enough, you can still get it. The movie is called Heavy Metal 2. Most of you probably remember Heavy Metal 1 back in the day. It�s an adult cartoon, full-length movie. It has nudity, violence, and it�s just the shit all around. Well now they made a Heavy Metal 2, and it�s coming out soon. ICP�s The Dirt Ball is on the soundtrack that will be in stores everywhere. More on that when we get an official release date for you. Another sound track that ICP is doing is WCW�s The Music. Yes, I know that ICP has had a long relationship with WWF and all that, but WCW is putting together a bomb-ass album and nobody knows about it yet. It�s top secret. ICP will also be joining WCW soon to do some shit just like they did in the WWF. Now, this may come as a surprise to everyone, because WCW seems to be a much more friendly, family-orientated wrestling promotion than WWF or ECW is; but believe me, wait until you see what they�ve got coming around the corner. So far Master P, Snoop Dogg, and ICP have been signed to make brand new songs for the upcoming WCW The Music. Plus ICP has already been to ECW and WWF, now it�s time to fully complete their dream of making it to all 3 of the big 3. Look for ICP to start slappin� WCW wrestlers around and bangin� the Nitro Girls this summer. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Notes From Jelly Nuts!!! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get ready for a new feature!!! Thats right, Stories From Violent J... Each month, week, year, or whenever Violent J sees fit, he will tell a story, kick knowledge, and school you in the ways of the VooDoo Magic Dark Carnival style! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all of you fiending for new links or to add your own link, there is a new automated free-for-all link CGI... Any inappropriate links will be deleted, however! Try to make sure your pages are ICP related! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's up Juggalos?!?! Welcome to the all new Insane Clown Posse's Echoside! As the world goes on with its everyday business oblivious to the future, your pal Jelly Nuts will be here, helping you prepare for the 5th Jokers Card... The Amazing Jeckel Brothers. If you notice any problems with the website, just send us an email and be patient! Its new to all of us! Also, if you have any new fresh ICP links, then send them our way! Also look for new freshness hitting the website on May 25th... All the secrets of the dark carnival couldn't be release now... but they will be revealed with the coming of the 5th Jokers Card. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Who The Fu*k Is ICP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jump on the Carney wagons and hang on tight. The gates to the Dark Carnival are opening once again. | The Great Milenko has had his say, terrifying, enlightening and entertaining us all at once. Now it�s time to meet the Amazing Jeckel Brothers, Jake and Jack, a pair of soul�n�sin jugglers that have a lot to say and a way of saying it that will leave your mind spinning with forbidden knowledge, your heart screaming "Fuck yeah!" in affirmation � and most importantly, your body getting down to an arsenal of the phattest grooves, most provocative raps and most imaginative soundscapes you�ll hear anywhere. Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, the Insane Clown Posse is back. "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" is the follow-up to "The Great Milenko," the controversial platinum 1997 Island Records debut that spent 83 weeks on the Billboard chart and brought even more converts to the corps of Juggalos (ICP fans) that the Detroit duo of Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope have cultivated during the past eight years. Like its four predecessors ("Carnival of Carnage" �91, "Ringmaster" �93, "Riddlebox" �95, and "The Great Milenko" �97) � and countless singles and EP�s � "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" finds ICP advancing its craft, using an expanded array of sounds and adept lyrics, plus guests such as Snoop Dogg, Ol� Dirty Bastard and the Jerky Boys to create a sonic trip that�s out of control one minute, calm and serene the next. "We�re getting better," shrugs Violent J. "This is the best album we�ve ever made. The whole thing was constructed with the Dark Carnival flowing. And the karma of knowing that we�ve got this big audience now� a lot of groups might crack at the pressure, but we don�t crack. We work better." "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" is also the most musical of ICP�s albums, which J says is a culmination of multiple influences put in the Dark Carnival�s cauldrons and turned into something new. "We listen to a lot of different shit, and that gave us a lot of ideas and a lot of creative flavors on this record, because our influences have grown," he says. "But even though we�re influenced by all this different music, it doesn�t sound like it. There are some bands that say, �My favorite band is this,� and you can tell that�s their favorite band �cause they rip their shit off from top to bottom. With us, I�ll listen to, like, a Prince record and I�ll hear a piano in there or something and say, �I wonder what ICP would sound like with that?� And it sure doesn�t sound like Prince." Of course, ICP has never sounded quite like anybody else. Formed in 1991 by J and Shaggy � childhood friends who connected in the streets of Detroit � the group has cut its own stylistic path with its clown makeup, wickedly explicit lyrics and an aggressive, energetic stage show that includes elaborate sets, top-notch production and the routine spraying of copious amounts of Faygo soda pop. Thanks to the savvy, street-level guerilla marketing by the duo and its Psychopathic Records posse of ninjas, ICP�s Juggalo crew has grown with each successive album and tour, despite receiving no airplay nor any love from mainstream media. And once people enter the Dark Carnival, they never leave. "What we do is music beyond music," explains J. "It�s music with theatrics, with a story, with a bottom line. It all ties together, and it�s fun. Every rapper talks about keeping it real; well, we�re going to keep it entertaining. We gotta live, breathe and die in a real world; why does the music have to reflect that, too?" But don�t think that ICP comes with no message. Quite the opposite; the Wicked Clowns have a lot to say, and it�s definitely real. "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" is part of the duo�s continuing exploration into life�s issues and the very basic aspects of good and evil. Like each of the group�s other albums, it�s another one of six Joker�s Cards, each one offering, as J explains, "a different way to look at yourself" in preparation for the final reckoning. The first four Cards offered their own unique takes; now come Jake and Jack, the Amazing Jeckel brothers. Think of them as jugglers, ICP suggest, with each sin you commit in your life as another ball that they must juggle. Each good deed, conversely, is one less ball. Jake works to keep the balls in the air as Jack tries to let them fall. When it�s time to be judged, the number of sins affects our ultimate fate. "If you give �em a light load of sins, they can juggle it and everything�s great," Violent J says. "But if you�ve got a whole bunch of sins, they�re not going to be able to handle the load, and you get what you�ve got coming to you. So how many balls are you going to give them to juggle?" The 17 numbers on "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" pull no punches in showing how those balls can be accumulated, particularly in pointed songs such as "Bring It On," "Everybody Rize," "I Stab People" and "Fuck The World," not a dis song, but rather one which expresses emotions we�ve all felt when the world has pushed us too far. On the special guest tip, Wu Tang Clan�s Ol� Dirty Bastard jumps on the track "Bitches!" and Snoop Dogg drives the tank to "The Shaggy Show." And the Jerky Boys make a couple of their trademark telephone raids � including one in which ICP booking agent Mike Wood finds himself on the wrong end of the line. "There�s something for everybody on this record," J says. "I�m confident that everybody in the world will like it � if they actually listen to it with an open ear." But more importantly, J says "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" is for those who want it most � the Juggalos, who he promises will bear witness to "the most devastating, greatest tour ever" when ICP and the Dark Carnival hit the road to support the album. "We made this album strictly for the fans," J says. "We just made it with those kids� faces in our minds. This is an album made by Juggalos, for Juggalos, and I know they�ll be happy with it."
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